If you are building or renovating then you need our new app….. Buildify (A bit like UBER for builders!!)

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Our team of professionals manage your project on-line.

We get your plans and break it into individual trades and materials.

We give you a construction schedule and budget for each part of your building project so you know how much you expect to pay. These budget prices are private to you only.

Your building plans, photos and scope of works are uploaded to our portal. Only local tradesmen that have been approved as qualified and have a good performance rating are notified of your project.

When you are ready to proceed as per our construction schedule you just log in the the job. This can be done easily from any computer or hand held mobile device.

It links available local qualified tradesmen with you. (Tradesmen are rated on their past performance by other clients.)

These tradesmen bid for your work in a competitive environment with other local interested tradesmen.

Quotes obtained must be similar in price to what our budget estimates of the cost are.Once you approve their quote the job is almost as good as done.

Contract documents that fully detail the scope of the work are provided and then the work can commence.

All payment is securely made via a third party money transfer system only after the work is verified as completed and compliant by you or a qualified inspector.

If you would like any more information about this app then just contact me directly or download it from the app store for free.