As a citizen about to build a home you need to have an understanding of your responsibility with regard to safety quality and impact on the environment.

I don’t think that anyone intentionally has a disregard for any of these topics but sometimes  it is what you don’t know that is what does the damage.

No one is perfect and accidents do happen. I often say ‘accidents happen by accident ‘ and ‘common sense is not very common’. Unfortunately it is true.

As responsible mature people we have an obligation to be aware of the safety of ourselves and others. Accidents do happen even with professionals. To not have insurance is naive and can potentially cost you your home and everything you have worked for.

To avoid having accidents is as simple as minimising the potential risk to anyone doing harm to themselves or others. Easier said than done. Most accidents I have seen are as a result of people trying to take short cuts or not fully understanding the risks associated with what they are doing, due to inexperience.

Quality means to me a product of a superior substance. This can be as a result of using the right material for the right job and installed in the right way as it was intended. Your definition of quality can differ from mine.

If we are building anything we have certain rules and standards by which we must abide in this country. It is known as the BCA or Building Code of Australia and it sets the minimum benchmark of quality. Failure to meet these minimums means you will fail to get an occupation certificate for your home. Ok for now but try to sell it!

The environment is becoming increasingly more a topic of conversation. The wild weather of late is blamed on global warming which can be linked back to green house gas emissions and can be described as a direct result of irresponsible consumerism.

We have the technology available to be responsible and minimise impact on the environment. Why don’t we all use it?

The increased cost of electricity is one way of people changing to the alternatives such as solar power by getting a pain in the back pocket.

There are so many other ways to lessen the damage to the environment and I am an advocate for change. Recycling and re-use is an excellent and cost effective way to start.

If you would like any more information on how you can reduce the effects on the environment then visit my website
